Plank Road Folk Music Society

A tip-of-the-hat to Plank Road! Official cap and new t-shirts added to list of Plank Road Merchandise

You've asked for it, you've said we need more, and now it's here: More Plank Road merch! Specifically, a new order of t-shirts plus a brand new item to "top off" your Plank Road wardrobe. Yes, it's the long-awaited PRFMS baseball cap, or, as we like to call it, a really cool hat. Available in black or khaki.

But wait, there's more! Along with the hats and t-shirts, we still have Plank Road tote bags, sport bottles and guitar case stickers.

Hats $15
T-shirts $15
Tote Bags $3
Sport Bottles $5
Stickers $1

Plank Road doesn't make any money on these items -- we sell them at our cost, give-or-take a few cents. They're offered to members to show our pride in Plank Road...and to help spread the word by getting our name out there.

Items are available at many Plank Road events, or you can contact Bill Lemos directly at